Episode 11: Bill Neumann

JoinDSO & Labor Shortage

Bill explains his motivation for creating a specialized resource in the dental industry geared towards education, careers and practice acquisition.


Bill Neumann

CEO, Group Dentistry Now

Website: groupdentistrynow.com
LinkedIn for Bill Neumann: linkedin.com/in/dentalsalespro
LinkedIn for GDN: linkedin.com/company/group-dentistry-now
LinkedIn for Kim Larson: linkedin.com/in/kim-larson-031084b6
Facebook: facebook.com/groupdentistrynow
Instagram: instagram.com/groupdentistrynow
Twitter: twitter.com/groupdentistry
Newsletter Sign Up: groupdentistrynow.com/about-group-dentistry-now/dso-group-enewsletter-archives

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